- Ini dia game yang saya lagi mainkan melalui Emulator PCSX2 di komputer saya, game yang cukup menarik hampir menyerupai Final Fantasy, patut di coba buat para gamers sejati.., cekidot liat Review nya:
Suikoden IV features the return of the 108 Stars of Destiny, as well as an enhanced interface in a new oceanic environment. You'll follow a young knight while he struggles with Rune, which slowly steals the life of its bearer. The game's strategic battle systems let you attack or cast magic spells with help from other party members. Recruit members of the Stars of Destiny and create a base from the ground up. With a brand-new storyline, characters, and cutscenes, Suikoden IV takes the series to the next level.
use 7-zip to unpack(pakai software 7-zip untuk meng ekstrak nya,bagi yang belum memilikinya bisa klik di sini)
- Download ISO:
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