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Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Download Games Praetorians (PC/RIP) Full Version

About the Regulation and Games team

if you are a new player, you can try destruction weapons and defense towers. This is a bad idea for team games. For some reason what and why, the rules are now standard, you can read it in the RULES SET Page.

if you are new players and no one knows you, do not be angry if you remove it from the den in before and after the game. they've played yearly, and not easy to balance a team game, if you do not know the basis of the basic game.

Praetorians system requirements
PIII 500 MHz (700MHz for Network play); 4X CD-ROM; 128MB RAM for Windows 98, 256MB RAM for Windows 2K/XP; 16MB graphics DirectX 8.0 compliant sound card; 600MB disk space; 56K/Cable/DSL for Network play. 

 Download Here :

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